Offering you more quality moments to bond with your pet
Quickly and accurately uncover potential chronic disease risks through the most readily available early screening test.
Why is early detection so important?
Pets start to present with a clinical sign of illness only when a disease has advanced, but this may be too late.
Early detection and prompt action can greatly improve the chances of successful treatment and a positive outcome for your pet. Proactive SINO screening ensures you have time to act!
SINO Test is the Key to Unveiling Your Pet's Unique Biochemical Signature for Precision Health.
How to interpret our test results
Our vet partners iterprets SINO's results and discusses them with you
Low Risk
If the SINO test results indicate low disease risk, it is a positive sign, which provides you with peace of mind. To maintain ongoing monitoring of your pet's health, we recommend repeating the SINO test annually as part of a proactive health screening program.
Moderate Risk
If the SINO test results indicate moderate disease risk, it means moderate levels of alteration in the chemical indicators of cellular physiology have been detected. Your vet may further examine and monitor your pet's health and consider additional diagnostic tests. If there are no other clinical signs of the disease and the risk value is below the threshold, it is recommended to repeat the test in 3 to 6 months.
High Risk
If the SINO test results indicate high disease risk, it means high levels of alteration in the chemical indicators of cellular physiology have been detected. In such cases, your vet will take prompt action to specify the presence of disease and begin treatment as early as possible.